Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oscars 2009

The nominations are in!

I have to say I'm pulling for Heath Ledger posthumously being awarded the oscar for best actor in a supporting role. It would be the right thing to do, and I'm not just saying he should get it for the sake of the gesture. The joker was terrifying. Between James Newton Howard's and Hans Zimmer's unsettling score and Heath Ledger's powerhouse acting I would feel my intestines start to knot up any time he was on the screen.

Of course Robert Downey Jr. is in there too for his role in Tropic Thunder. I loved it as much as the rest of you (maybe a little bit more), but I'm still rooting for Mr. Ledger. Maybe if another actor ahem-tomcruise-ahem from Tropic Thunder was in the running I'd have more trouble making a decision.

Meanwhile we have Pixar cleaning house in the animated feature department. Honestly, it's not even a fair fight. Maybe Hugh Jackman will do the right thing and mumble the results away from the microphone before unceremoniously tossing the statue into the audience. I've got my fingers crossed.

It's interesting to see three films adapted from comic books in the running for various categories this year. I certainly never expected to use Wanted and The Oscars in the same sentence, but this is a brave new world. I wanted to see The Dark Knight up there for screenplay. Without shame I'll tell you the script was great. Also without shame I'll tell you In Bruges was boring and overrated to the extreme. Going back to comic books, I didn't find the effects for Iron Man that amazing. I think they're giving them the nod since it was cheated out of the running for best film.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

And last but least of all least! Best picture! This is the one everyone cares about, and if you (like me) haven't seen many of the films on the list this year, fear not! Call out of work next week and take a day trip to your closest metropolitan center. The theaters there are playing everything you need to see in order to get prepared for the big night. A large (read: ginormous) popcorn and a baby-sized Dr. Pepper (as in the size of a baby, not the size appropriate for babies) will be in order since you're going to be there for a while. If you survive this ordeal you can sit in front of your entertainment center Febuary 22nd and scream knowledgeably to family members about what a crock the academy awards have turned into.

I'll see you there.

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