Wednesday, January 7, 2009

le plus en colère chien andalou dans le monde

So there's something wrong with Asians.

I mean what the crap dude.

I could go on at length about this but google up some of the crap the Japanese do one of these days, and then come tell me I'm wrong. It's not just the Japanese either. It's Asians across the board. I point you towards Oldboy, towards Curse of the Golden Flower. Korean and Chinese films respectively (South Korean, it's all good).

Before you go thinking I'm a racist know that some of my best friends are asian(ish).

See? I know an Asian person. Obviously I can't be racist.

To be fair most nations have their share of the truly tweaked. If you are one of the the few, the proud, the twisted who have actually sat through Eraserhead to witness David Lynch's mind and stomach rending climax you know Americans can really pour on the weird. And since we're talking about surrealist horror it would invoke the wrath of film snobs everywhere to not give a nod to An Andalusian Dog (or does having to mention it just insult the snob's intelligence?).

Personally I didn't find the short as disturbing as the images alone would suggest. While I wouldn't go as far as saying the choice in music gave things a comical tone, it certainly took the edge off the horror. Give this piece the unsettling mechanical score of Eraserhead and I think you'd have something equally terrifying and more than forty years ahead of it's time (non-linear narrative!?). I must admit the legendary opening scene still managed to give me shivers though.

Now unlike Lynch, Dali and Buñuel unequivocally state that their film defies interpretation of any kind. This is funny to me as David Lynch's work is completely freaking impenetrable. I particularly like how he gives "hints" to film meanings such as "We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe". I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to. Seriously, I couldn't.

Despite what may appear to be complaints these are all amazing films. Check them all out if you haven't already. See if you spot the similarities I did (is that a reference to Un Chien Andalou in the prison sequence from Oldboy?). You'll thank yourself for it later.

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