Saturday, June 20, 2009

Screenwriting woes

Robert Rodriguez is a personal hero which shouldn't come as much of a surprise. An aspiring filmmaker who finds Rodriguez's story inspirational? Shocking! He's more of a god to me at this point. I read his book like it's the freaking bible, going over certain passages again and again until the mantra soothes my troubled mind.

I plan to follow in his footsteps (possibly with great historical accuracy) and make my first feature length film this summer. Microbudget of course. Shot on digital. The problem is a need a script, and I suck at writing. You may have noticed...

I'd say it's a bad idea to read much of Warren Ellis before you start work on a script. I use him specifically, but really it's a bad idea to read a lot of work by anyone who is worlds more talented than you when you're trying to do your own stuff. For me, every professional writer who ever lived, now lives, or will live falls into that category (maybe even freaking Hemingway).