Thursday, July 9, 2009

Amputees are sexy

Here's a new talent to put on your radar screens: Noboro Iguchi. He entered the scene in 2003 with Koi-suru yuchu aka A Larva to Love, and has been making titillating exploitation films since that time. I was turned on to him after watching a trailer for The Machine Girl and immediately placing it at the number one spot on my netflix queue.

For a pairing I recommend rice wine. Sake and gratuitous blood-letting go together like garlic and basil I tell you.

This is the kind of B movie a man can really get behind. It's all here; hot women, dismemberment, kungfu. Apparently the the girl playing Miki is even a softcore porn star (which calls to mind possible allusions to guro, social commentary?). Iguchi has spared no detail for your debaucherous pleasures. He even managed to crank out a mini-sequel in 2009.

Yes. I know.

If you're an out and out freak like me, this isn't anything you haven't already seen. I was , much to my roommates delight (or was that horror?), able to accurately predict just what tempura oil would be used for in this movie. I was also able to name and describe the function of the metal-box-on-a-chain device a certain villain wields. Originality aside, Iguchi pulls everything off with tongue planted firmly in cheek and the kind of exuberant flashiness only the Japanese are capable of.

Are you still here? Go watch it already. RoboGeisha is coming out next year.