Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's all in the title

I went to see a matinee of Transformers 2 today, because I'm a whore. It was oddly unsatisfying and not even in that "I enjoyed that but still feel filthy" kind of way. Upon returning home I announced I was ready to shed my debaucherous lifestyle and settle down with a good man from the Korean new wave. I've got my eye on Chan-wook Park, but who am I kidding? It would be good for about three months followed by five painful years of forced smiles and awkward dates culminating in his tears while I scream for a divorce.

That was my unwieldly way of telling you Transformers 2 sucked. Like you didn't already know...

Let's talk about films that don't suck! Way of the Gun by Christopher Mcquarrie is such a film.

There's something about a Mcquarrie script that makes dual-wielding pistols look legitimate. His brother is responsible for the firefight choreography, and it really shines. You haven't seen anything quite like it elsewhere.

As a directorial debut it falters in places, but there's more than enough to keep you going, and glimpses of brilliance do occasionally flit by. I really think this guy has amazing potential (although it would seem he's out of the game now). Mcquarrie spits in the face of hollywood stereotypes and really knows how to show instead of tell. Great performances by the cast (notably Caan and Del Toro) help him in that regard.

If nothing else, watch it to see Sarah Silverman get punched in the face. Booyah! I'd say that goes well with a bottle of kosher cabernet sauvignon.

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