Monday, June 22, 2009

Concerning Profitable Rape

I think it was Rodriguez that said, "at some point working in Hollywood you realize you've become a whore". I'm sure others have offered up witticisms of a similar vein, but he's the one I keep a picture of under my pillow, and he's the one I quote.

I don't work in hollywood, but I want to, and I'm willing to become a whore to get there. In that way, the principle applies. This script is so grindhouse/exploitation it's ridiculous. This is my El Mariachi project after all. Do anything it takes to shoot a feature. Sell to local home video distributors. Repeat. Hopefully you don't go to jail in the process.

It's exploitation because the baser elements sell, and everyone knows that. Sex and violence easily overcome shortcomings in your story, actors, and budget. Exhibit A:

The first draft of my (still untitled) project is finished and I like to think I've woven a compelling human drama into mindless violence. Beneath the surface it's a haunting meditation on the primal nature of mankind. Now, all I need is a coolly obscure and arguably irrelevant title like Straw Dogs. Who are we kidding though? If anyone watches this crap they will do so because the rating box promises "adult situations and nudity".

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